Source: The Daily Expose
The UK Government have released their eighth report highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines that have occurred since the roll-out began on the 8th December 2020 and this time we dug deeper and what we have found it terrifying…
The U.K. Governments report (which you can find here) has collated data inputted up to the 14th March via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme. At this point an estimated 10.9 million first doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and 13.7 million doses of the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, had been administered, and around 1.3 million second doses, mostly the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, had been administered. This accounts for an increase of 2.3 million doses administered on the previous week.
Our earliest analysis of the data which we brought you back at the beginning of February showed that there had been 49,472 adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine, and 21,032 adverse reactions to the Oxford vaccine up to the 24th January 2021, with a rate of 1 in every 333 people receiving the jab suffering a serious adverse reaction.
Well we can confirm that in the space of seven weeks the number of reported adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine has increased by 119.6%, now standing at a total of 108,649 adverse reactions as of the 14th March. The Oxford jab has fared much worse though with an astounding increase of 1301.77% in the number of reported adverse reactions between the 24th January and the 14th March, now standing at a total of 294,820. This now means the current rate of people suffering a serious adverse reaction after having one of the experimental Covid vaccines stands at 1 in every 166 people.
The terrifying thing about this is around only 1% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme, with many people not even knowing of its existence.
We took a dive into the reports to see what types of adverse reaction were being reported, and this is what we found…
(We used the data shown in the UK Governments Analysis Print of the Pfizer vaccine {which you can find here} + Analysis Print of the Oxford Vaccine {which you can find here}.)
The first adverse reaction that caught our attention is an ailment known as thromocytopenia. If you have thrombocytopenia, you don’t have enough platelets in your blood. Platelets help your blood clot, which stops bleeding. If you have a severe form, you can bleed spontaneously in your eyes, gums, or bladder or bleed too much when you’re injured.
Now this ailment has some relation as to why several European countries including France, Italy, Norway and Denmark suspended the use of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine. Health officials in these countries were concerned about the hospitalisation and in some cases deaths of people with serious blood clots and low levels of blood platelets.
The chief investigator tasked with investigating this in Norway confirmed recently that the AstraZeneca jab was in fact to blame.
So it’s concerning to see that in the UK there have been 20 reported cases of thrombocytopenia occurring due to the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine, resulting in 1 death as of the 14th March. As well as 28 cases of immune thrombocytopenia, also resulting in 1 death. Immune thrombocytopenia is where the immune system attacked and destroys platelets, which are cell fragments that help blood clot.
But it’s also concerning to find the same event occurring due to the Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA jab, with 15 reported cases of thrombocytopenia occurring up to the 14th March, resulting in 1 death, and 13 reported cases of immune thromocytopenia. All eyes are on AstraZeneca when they should also be watching Pfizer.
The next adverse reaction we found was labelled as Myocardial infarction within the reports, but it is what is commonly known as a ‘heart attack’. It occurs when blood flow decreases or stops to a part of the heart, causing damage to the heart muscle.
We can confirm that 34 cases myocardial infarction have been reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as of the 14th March due to the Pfizer vaccine, with 9 of these cases sadly resulting in death.
However the Oxford jab fares worse as there have been 48 cases of ‘heart attack’ reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme with 14 of these sadly resulting in death.
But the adverse reactions associated with the heart don’t end there as there have been a total of 44 cases of cardiac arrest reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as a result of having the Pfizer vaccine, with 18 of these resulting in death as of the 14th March.
With the Oxford jab causing 41 cases of cardiac arrest and 13 of these resulting death. Cardiac arrest is a sudden loss of blood flow resulting from the failure of the heart to pump effectively.
The next reaction to catch our attention was tachycardia, which can be extremely dangerous. Tachycardia is a medical term for a heart rate over 100 beats per minute and increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, cardiac arrest and death.
So the 345 cases of tachycardia reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme after having the Pfizer vaccine may explain why we’re seeing so many cases of heart attack and cardiac arrest.
As will the 622 cases of tachycardia reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme after having the AstraZeneca vaccine. Almost double that of the Pfizer vaccine.
The reported cases of tachycardia may also explain why we’re seeing the next adverse reaction to the Covid vaccines. You’ve probably noticed the increase in ‘How to spot the signs of a stroke’ adverts in recent weeks courtesy of the NHS, well could this have anything to do with the increase in reported central nervous system haemorrhages and cerebrovascular accidents a.k.a strokes to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as a result of the experimental Covid vaccines?
As of the 14th March, the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme has seen 10 reports of cerebral haemorrhage resulting in 3 deaths, 7 reports of cerebral infarction, 12 reports of ischaemic stroke resulting in 1 death and 4 reports of subarachnoid haemorrhage resulting in 1 death, all as a result of the Pfizer BioNTech mRNA vaccine.
But the most reported type of stroke occurring after having the Pfizer jab is a cerebrovascular accident, which is the sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain. With 71 cases of cerebrovascular accident resulting in 3 deaths being reported as a result of having the Pfizer vaccine.
A cerebrovascular accident is also the most common type of stroke to occur after having the Oxford vaccine, with 85 cases resulting in 7 deaths being reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as of the 14th March 2021. But we have also seen 10 cases of cerebral haemorrhage resulting in 3 deaths, 4 cases of cerebral infarction resulting in 1 death, 4 cases of haemorrhagic stroke resulting in 1 death and 12 cases of ischaemic stroke among many others.
Bell’s palsy is a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis (lack of movement) of the muscles in one side of the face. It is the most common cause of facial paralysis. We can confirm that as of the 14th March there have been a total of 117 cases of facial paralysis reported to the MHRA as a result of having the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine.
Before we present the number of Bell’s palsy / Facial paralysis cases reported to the MHRA as a result of having the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine we want to show you what the MHRA had to say on the subject in their analysis of the report –
‘The MHRA continues to review cases reporting Bell’s Palsy and to analyse case reports against the number expected to occur by chance in the absence of vaccination (the ‘natural rate’). The number of reports of facial paralysis received so far is similar to the expected natural rate and does not currently suggest an increased risk following the vaccines. We will continue to monitor these events, including through evaluation of electronic healthcare record data.’
Interesting. So can the MHRA please explain why the number of reported cases of Bell’s palsy / Facial paralysis as a result of having the Pfizer vaccine is almost double the number reported as a result of having the Oxford vaccine when there have been 2 – 3 million more doses of the Oxford jab administered as of the 14th March 2021?
The total number reported cases of facial paralysis reported to the MHRA as a result of having the Pfizer / BioNTech experimental mRNA vaccine now stands at 220. This proves causation as we should be seeing less than what has been reported as a result of having the Oxford jab if the rate was in line with what can be expected in the “unvaccinated” population.
The next concerning adverse reaction reported to the MHRA is people suffering seizures. A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. It can cause changes in your behavior, movements or feelings, and in levels of consciousness.
There have been 131 reported cases of seizure after having the Pfizer jab resulting in 1 death.
However the Oxford jab fares much worse with almost triple the amount of reported seizures occurring after administration, standing at a total of 351 and resulting in 2 deaths.
But there is a much more concerning adverse reaction which found relating to seizures. You’ll have noticed in the table above that we highlighted an adverse reaction known as a ‘febrile convulsion’, with 1 reported case occurring due to the Pfizer jab. Now 1 reported case doesn’t sound so concerning, but the actual condition occurring is. Because a febrile seizure is a fit that can happen when a child has a fever, most often happening between the ages of 6 months and 3 years. But they usually stop after the age of 6, with it being extremely rare to occur in adults.
Now we know that children are not being vaccinated, nor should they be due to the extremely low risk of them suffering serious disease if contacting the alleged Covid-19. So it’s extremely concerning to find that there have been a total of 36 reported cases of febrile convulsion occurring after having the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine. Which also proves causation due to the rarity of it occurring in adults and the 360% difference in the number of occurrences compared to the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.
In all there have been a total of 20,632 nervous system disorders resulting in 18 deaths reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as of the 14th March 2021 due to having the Pfizer jab.
But there have been over three times as many nervous system disorders reported as a result of having the AstraZeneca jab. With the total standing at 63,660 which has resulted in 23 deaths, as of the 14th March 2021.
Finally we come to deaths reported as adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines.
The MHRA has received 259 reports of death to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 326 reports for the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine and 9 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified.
The MHRA tries to justify these deaths as not being caused by the vaccine by stating that ‘the majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness‘.
We’re sure they have, but how dare they try to apply this logic to deaths reported as adverse reactions to experimental vaccines when the authorities have abandoned the same logic in order to strike fear into the hearts and minds of the general public to ensure they complied with dictatorial tyranny for the past 12 months and counting.
When someone dies with underlying conditions within 28 days of receiving a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 we are told it is definitely Covid-19. But when someone dies with underlying conditions within just a few days of receiving a dose of an experimental Covid vaccine we are told it is definitely the underlying conditions.
The hypocrisy stinks!